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Alexis Ames • Colin Alexander • Christos Callow Jr. • Jay Caselberg • Lex Chamberlin • Jie Venus Cohen • Joel

Glover • Katie Gray • Abdullah O. Jimoh • Andrew

Kozma • Angel Leal • Henry Luzzatto • Jonathan Mann • Leo Oliveira • Marisca Pichette • Keira Reynolds • Grace R. Reynolds • Emma Burnett • Steve Wheat

Issue #8
now in print!

Brave New Weird Award and Rhysling Award winning authors

Science fiction exoplanet art

Science Fiction

by Christine Lucas

When we reach the Promised Land across the stars, I’ll become a real girl. I won’t live in a jar. I’ll live among the other settlers, and I’ll play and talk to them with a real voice. There, I will be more than just a presence at the edge of their sleeping consciousnesses. Father promised me so . . .

Anarchist A with man waving a flag

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