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What is anarchism?

Anarchism is a philosophy advocating that humans should cooperate together as equals. It represents order, not chaos or lawlessness, and stands against hierarchy and oppression. Anarchists themselves come in many flavors, from non-authoritarian communists to those favoring socialist free market systems. The ideology is decentralized, promoting consensus and a horizontal structure of society without a ruling class. Please read more at The Anarchist Library and Useful Notes on Anarchism.


Anarchist A with man waving flag
Transhumanist face fading into computer code future

What is transhumanism?


Transhumanism advocates for the enhancement of human physical and mental capacities through technology. For example, eye glasses are an early technology allowing humans to overcome bodily limitations. Long-term, transhumanists fight for the end of biological human death and disease, the future technological singularity, and also becoming "posthuman," where our capabilities so far exceed those of a natural born that we can no longer be called human beings.

How do anarchism and transhumanism mix?

Both ideals are rooted in the desire to better our existence. Anarchism is routed toward social freedom while transhumanism directs us toward physical freedom. A positive transhuman future cannot happen without anarchism and freedom from the profit-motive. What good is all the freedom in the world if one is unable to experience it due to genetic sickness or dying by the the time they are ninety? There is a vast cosmos for our species to explore and it's time we freely ventured out, unshackled by greed or bodily limitations.

Anarchism and transhumanism intersection flag
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